STAA wa filamu Bongo, Rose Ndauka hivi karibuni amewekwa chini na familia yake na kupewa onyo kuhusu wanaume pamoja na maadili.
Kwa mujibu wa chanzo, Rose aliambiwa
maneno mengi na familia yake ikimtaka ajirekebishe na haswa ajitume
zaidi katika kazi zake anazofanya.
“Familia yake imeamua kumuweka chini na
kumwambia mengi kuhusu maisha haswa ikimtaka ajirekebishe tabia yake kwa
ujumla,” kilisema chanzo.
Rose alipotafutwa kuweka wazi juu ya hili, alifunguka;
“Kila familia ina utaratibu wake, kwahiyo mimi kuwekwa na familia na kupewa onyo wala siyo suala la ajabu.”
Hizi ndio sehemu 12 zinazompa Raha mwanamke wakati wa Tendo, Bonyeza Hapa chini== >
Ugandan socialite Zari is undeniably hot and Diamond Platnumz cannot be blamed for going kookoo for her, Besides her looks, she is also ambitious and rich. Born on 23rd of September 1980, Zari grew up in Jinja and after high school she moved Kampala where she performed karaoke in hang-outs. She later moved to London and acquired a diploma in cosmetology. She now lives in South Africa where she runs cosmetics shop while pursuing a career in music. She shared some of her never before seen photos from back in the day and she was still hot. Check her out: